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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Self-study materials for Learning Biblical Hebrew

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  • From: "Steve Miller" <smille10 AT>
  • To: "'Randall Buth'" <randallbuth AT>, "'Hebrew'" <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Self-study materials for Learning Biblical Hebrew
  • Date: Tue, 25 May 2010 23:17:41 -0400

> From: Randall Buth
> Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2010 5:51 PM
> To: Hebrew
> Subject: [b-hebrew] Self-study materials for Learning Biblical Hebrew
> > I learned Hebrew through regular course work, but I have a
> colleague
> > who asked me what I'd recommend for self-study. Self-study never
> > works for me and I have no suggestions. Does anyone on the list have
> such
> > a suggestion? Thanks.
> > Ken Litwak
> There is only one Biblical Hebrew course out there where all the Hebrew
> material is recorded, multiple voices, and lessons filled with recorded
> Hebrew drills with spaces for responses/thinking/learning. In addition,
> it is the only course that leads a student into thinking in Hebrew,
> rather than translation, and that from the very beginning.
> Living Biblical Hebrew, Introduction, Two Parts, was written as a self-
> learning program. It costs some money, but it takes students to places
> that a textbook
> cannot go. (PS: the author is myself, and Biblical Language Center,
> the
> publisher. Some websearches turn up bogus copies with other authors
> named or added, or other 'publishers'.)
> blessings
> Randall Buth
> --
> Randall Buth, PhD
> randallbuth AT
> Biblical Language Center
> Learn Easily - Progress Further - Remember for Life

[SteveMiller:] Thanks Randall! The website testimonials are convincing. I
just ordered part 1.

I have used for self-study and like "Learning Biblical Hebrew A New Approach
Using Discourse Analysis" by Brian Rocine. I found it much more interesting
for than Weingreen, especially for self-study.

-Steve Miller
In the Lord do I trust.
How say ye to my soul,
"Flee as a bird to your mountain,
for wicked bend the bow."? (Ps11:1-2a)

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