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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] 1Q287 and the Tanakh at Deut. 32:43

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  • From: TedBro AT
  • To: leviny1 AT, b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] 1Q287 and the Tanakh at Deut. 32:43
  • Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 23:24:38 EST

Hi, All:

Interesting discussion...

<<Yigal Levin wrote: As to why neither version appears in the MT - probably
scribal error, simply
"skipping" a line.

Recall that the Massorah dates from the Christian era. Thus another possible
explanation for missing Christian proof texts is that the Massoretes, like
everyone else, had biases and when selecting readings from various
for inclusion in the MT, favored those less favorable to the Christians.

Ted Brownstein

In a message dated 1/31/2009 7:25:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
leviny1 AT writes:

Dear Gary,

Let's please not be cynical. Your question is more about the NT than it is
about the Hebrew Bible.

In any case, it is widely assumed that the writers of the NT used the
Septuagint (or something like what we call the Septuagint) as their "Old
Testament", so it would be only natural for them to quote the Septuagint
version of this verse, which does include the phrase "Be glad, O heavens,
together with Him, and do obeisance to Him, all angels of God". The Qumran
version, at least according to Abegg, Flint and Ulrich's The Dead Sea
Scrolls Bible, is ".... all you gods". If I had to guess, I'd assume that
the Qumran version is earlier, and that the Greek version(s) that we have
today, which are all based on manuscripts that are later than Qumran,
actually "cleaned it up" by replacing "gods" with "angels of God". As to why
neither version appears in the MT - probably scribal error, simply
"skipping" a line.

Yigal Levin

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