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  • From: "Christopher V. Kimball" <mail AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: [b-hebrew] Westminster Leningrad Codex coding and markup.
  • Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 07:28:49 -0400

The WLC text of 5 June 2006 was in the Michigan-Claremont (MC) coding used by WHI and this list. It was not in Unicode or in XML. Conversion from MC coding to Unicode isn't as easy as one might hope. XML markup is trivial, anyway you'd like to do it.
With XPath-based processing, a simple way to gather statistics on the text is to look at contents of w, k, and q tags in the site's book files, ignoring the "higher" tagging details. That is, examine "//w" and "//q" for the text with qere variants. All meaningful text is within these three tags which occur at the same level (verse tag, v).

A Java application WLC2XML is available without restriction to convert from the WHI-MC file to Unicode/XML with the site's particular/peculiar XML markup. Its source (and class) files of WLC2XML are in .

I believe one part of the Sword project (Andrew Sperlin) has already developed its own decoding from this application.

Another possibility is to use software to re-tag the site's markup to a preferred markup. The site's smallest tagged unit is the word (w, k, q tags) although individual Unicode characters sometimes (rarely) have text decoration tags within them. The markup is described by an XML Schema file, Tanach.xsd, in the main directory. There are no restrictions on this approach either.

Hope this helps,

Chris Kimball

  • [b-hebrew] (no subject), JAMES CHRISTIAN READ, 07/25/2006
    • [b-hebrew] Westminster Leningrad Codex coding and markup., Christopher V. Kimball, 07/25/2006

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