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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] CV syllables, was music in Hebrew

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  • From: Peter Kirk <peter AT>
  • To: Herman Meester <crazymulgogi AT>
  • Cc: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] CV syllables, was music in Hebrew
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 17:21:11 +0000

On 27/01/2006 14:15, Herman Meester wrote:


And the fact that our European languages are not reported to have an
`ayin doesn't mean certain Semitic languages don't. The `ayin was not
pronounced anymore by the Masoretes by the way, it was "replaced" with
an /a/ sound, hence רוח is written with a "patach furtivum",
pronounced [rua], not *ruach.

Possibly, but it is more probable that the furtive patah was inserted at a time when `ayin and het were pronounced as proper pharyngeals. For it is well known that pronunciation of a pharyngeal consonant, by withdrawing the tongue root, lowers the centre of the tongue and so changes a close vowel (i,e,u) into an open one, more of an a sound. At a later stage some speakers dropped the `ayin and started to pronounce the het differently. But the furtuve patah is evidence of the original pronunciation.


Even Dutch offers a parallel to Hebrew. In Hebrew, *malk(u) ~> *malk
~> melekh. In Dutch, the word /melk/ (=Engl. milk) has led to the
pronounciation [mèluk] (not written this way, only pronounced).
Exactly the same thing. In several Arabic dialects, the "segolates"
develop the same thing: a word like /dars/ is often pronounced

In some regional varieties of British English (not the glottal loving ones you described so well) "film" is pronounced like "fill 'em".

Peter Kirk
peter AT (personal)
peterkirk AT (work)

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