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b-hebrew - [b-hebrew] Does a maqaf affect vowelizaton?

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  • From: "Christopher V. Kimball" <mail AT>
  • To: b-hebrew <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: [b-hebrew] Does a maqaf affect vowelizaton?
  • Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 13:09:20 -0400

I understand that the presence of a maqaf between two words affects the cantillation, singing, of the words. But does it also affect the vowelization? Specifically, is A-B vowelized differently than A and B separately?

Currently the Unicode/XML Tanach always displays maqafs, regardless of content type (Accents, Vowels, Consonants). Future versions will probably not show the maqaf for the Consonantse. At issue is whether the maqaf should be shown for the Vowels.

Chris Kimball

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