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b-hebrew - RE: [b-hebrew] The mystery of vav-consecutive

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  • From: "Dr. Dale M. Wheeler" <dalemw AT>
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Cc:
  • Subject: RE: [b-hebrew] The mystery of vav-consecutive
  • Date: Tue, 24 May 2005 10:41:01 -0700

Ken Penner wrote:

S. R. Driver wrote in 1874. The first English edition of Gesenius' grammar
appeared in 1898.
GKC's second English edition (1910) refers to Driver's third edition (1892)
in footnote 2, section 106.
The direction of influence is from Driver to GKC, not the reverse.

No, the earliest use of the word "aspect" I know of for Hebrew was Kennedy's
1879 translation of Ewald: "But the simplest distinction of time in an
action is, that the speaker first of all merely separates between the two
grand and opposite aspects under which every conceivable action may be
regarded" (1). Where Kennedy has "aspects" Ewald (1870) had "unterscheide"

It was Rodiger who imported Ewald's terms "imperfect" and "perfect" into his
revision of Gesenius' grammar.


All my books are in my office...and I'm on vacation...but this peaked my interest...

In your checking of the history of these grammars, did you look at the German precursors of Gesenius 1st English edition, eg., when was Rodiger's edition done (this is not the first English edition you are referring to, is it?)? How did the editions before Rodiger (or is it Roediger, ie., o-umlaut) discuss this issue? Also, do you have any idea where Kennedy got the term "aspect"?

BTW, if you have easy access to it, it would be nice to see the German of the quote from Ewald, since the verb "separates" would most likely be from the same root as "Untersheid(e/en)", and it seem strange to translate the verb one way and the noun a different way in the same sentence.


Dale M. Wheeler, Ph.D.
Prof., Biblical Languages/Bible Multnomah Bible College
8435 NE Glisan St. Portland, OR 97220
V: 503-251-6416 E: dalemw AT

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