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b-hebrew - Re: [b-hebrew] Bible software for the blind?

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  • From: Bearpecs AT
  • To: b-hebrew AT
  • Subject: Re: [b-hebrew] Bible software for the blind?
  • Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 19:44:30 EDT


The Hebrew Bible (hardcopy) is available in Hebrew Braille and in English
Braille from:
They also have Lambdin's Introduction to Biblical Hebrew.

See _
( re accessibility
of Online Bible
for the visually impaired.

This is from
Hebrew Braille Translator Now Available:
The first comprehensive Hebrew Braille translation software is now available
from Duxbury Systems, Inc. The translator works for both ancient and modern
Hebrew and for Hebrew codes used in both Israel and the United States. It
must be used in conjunction with the standard Duxbury Braille Translation
Program and can accept files in Microsoft Word. The cost of this program is
and it may be ordered from Duxbury Systems, Inc., 270 Littleton Road, Unit
Westford, Massachusetts 01886, telephone (978) 692‑3000, fax (978) 692‑7912,
e‑mail <_info AT duxbury.com_ (mailto:info AT >, or Web site
_www.duxburysystems.com_ ( .

You might find this interesting (from
( ):

How did you learn Hebrew Braille?

When I was asked to proofread. The first book they put in Hebrew Braille was
the Bible. It was a long project, it spanned the 1930s and 1940s. Before
that time, there were Hebrew Braille codes that were indigenous to different
communities, but in another community nobody could read it—America versus
France, or France versus Germany. Now there's a single international Hebrew
code, used even in Israel.

There was a lady in Cleveland, her name was Mrs. Cole, who learned the
Hebrew Braille code and transcribed the Bible. And different people who were
of knowledgeable proofread the material. Now there's a problem with
proofreading, because there are some grammatical errors which are
traditional and
which have to be preserved. And the question is: Which ones are Masoretic
that have been around for thousands of years and which ones are recently
created by a lady in Cleveland?

I was familiar with the orthography. Even though I had no way of writing it,
I could tell if a word was spelled wrong. My father was holding a standard
copy of the Tanach, and I would spell word for word to make sure that every
word in the Braille corresponded. I didn't do the whole Bible, I only did
Psalms and the minor prophets.

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