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  • From: "Thomas L. Thompson" <tlt AT>
  • To: "Thomas L. Thompson" <tlt AT>, <b-hebrew AT>
  • Cc:
  • Subject: [b-hebrew] Kitchen part I:
  • Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 11:53:18 +0100

Dear Yigal and Uri,
I do apologize for mixing your letters up. I have trouble in my old age
following and counting the arrows and all. I have decided to give some
response to Kitchen as requested but fear my difficulty in understanding some
of his criticisms of my work will make my response unsatisfactory to some.

I have not responded to Kitchen earlier primarily because I have not felt
that his objections and criticisms to what I have written express much
understanding of the issues I have addressed and I did not want to be part of
a long drawn out quarrel signifying nothing. I feel that his book avoids the
actual debates that occurred in the 70s and 90s and is largely judging a
debate that is over.

Kitchen addresses my work directly in two sections: my work of 1992 on pages
450ff. and the debates of the 1970s on pp. 475-484 as he identifies these as
two discussions "more than a generation apart". He does have his way of
making me seem older that he is! I had always judged the period of the 80s as
most decisive for the debate on historicity, but that is not the issue for

In his discussion of the golden-oldies of the 70s he takes up Redford, Van
Seters and me without always clearly distinguishing between us. I do remember
these works and the discussion well, so I believe I recognize when he is
referring to my work. Page 475f (alsp. 342), he discusses patriarchal names
and draws conclusions that are essentially compatible with what I wrote in my
Historicity of 1974. This is also the case in his treatment of the "Amorites"
(476f.) and about the Nuzi tablets (480f): the most important three issues
of my work. In this respect, I suspect he would agree with me against Van
Seters (see my JAOS 1978 article), especially in regard to the chronological
distribution of such names. I do wish Kitchen had written something just as
scathing in the 1970s, but he didn't.

There are, of course, some issues of disagreement. He prefers--with Dever in
his 1977 article in Miller-Hayes!--the MB II period as the time of the
patriarchs, but he has missed my response to Deveer in JSOT 9(1978), 2-43,
though Dever at that time was still clinging to the Amorite hypothesis, which
I had emptied.

On the issue of the direction of migration, Kitchen's proposal that Abraham's
family was transhumant nomadic is beside the point, as the direction of
migration was an argument of Buccellatti/ Kupper and especially Dever that
there was evidence for a migration westwards, which there was not.

Unfortunately, he does not really understand the argument of Irvin (not
Irwin) and folktale studies. She did not argue that the use of folktale
motifs and structures in the Joseph and Moses stories, made these figures
unhistorical, only--as Kitchen himself does--that these elements of their
stories are.

I also wonder at his association of me with the documentary hypothesis and
that tradition of scholarship. Most--including myself--have understood my
work as substantially opposed to that kind of "historical criticism"
(Again,see my JÁOS 1978 article).

Finally, on this early period. It does not pertain that Kitchen thinks there
may be other treaties more relevant than Mendenhall used, I was writing my
article in 1977.

I will continue these comments with Kitchen's more interesting discussion of
my work from 1992.


Thomas L. Thompson
Professor, University of Copenhagen

Dear Yigal,
I don't really have a "position" about a temple in Jerusalem,
destroyed by the neo-Babylonians. I expect that it was built and destroyed.
When it would have been built, I cannot say. I see Jerusalem becoming a
significant regional power between the mid-8th and mid 7th centuries and so
certainly think of this period, but I have no compelling reason. In
Jerusalem, one would expect the temple deity would be Yahweh, but Ba'al and
Asherah might also be included.

I fail to understand your rhetoric concerning "one of the inventions
made up in Hellenistic times." It is not quite my own.

I will take a look at Kitchen's remarks, as it has been some time
since I read his piece.

I am familiar with some of the literature on Beth Shemesh, but I am
uncertain about what it supports.

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: b-hebrew-bounces AT på vegne af Uri
Sendt: ma 21-03-2005 18:25
Til: Thomas L. Thompson; b-hebrew AT
Cc: ihj AT
Emne: Re: SV: [b-hebrew] Samaritans

Dear Thomas,

It is not clear from your reponse below what your
position is about a temple in Jeruslem that according to HB was detroyed by
the neo-Babylonians. Do you accept that such a temple existed,or do you
consider it also one the inventions made up in Hellensitic times? If ,on the
other hand, you accept the existence of such a temple, do you have an
appreciation as to when it was built, to what deity it was dedicated, and
by whom?

Have you responded to the very specific criticisms of K. A.
Kitchen in pp. 450 - 458 of his On the Reliability of the Old Testament?
Surely these highly specific comments by a major scholar deserve an answer.

If you're interested, I'll forward you offline an overview
of an on going major archaeological site in Israel -- Beth Shemesh --the
findings of which support the existence of a stong central political body in
the late 10th - 9th century.

Finally, I'm sure everybody would join me in wishing your
wife a speedy recovery.


"Thomas L. Thompson" <tlt AT> wrote:
Dear Yigal,
Well the Samaritans and their relationship to Judaism is not
directly my own field, and it has only been a relatively short time that this
question has taken up much of my time, but I will try to address your two
questions, as both of them seem to me to be quite important.

2) This is an intriguing question. I think quite possibly
that Gerizim is original to the Pentateuch. How early that is is another
question that is partially dependent on a satisfactory description of its
composition. I suspect, for instance that Genesis--or much of it--is later
than, for example Exodus-Numbers. Whether the torah is common to Palestinian
literature or whether it is adopted by Judaism is an important consideration.
If it is common in its origin to both Judaism and Samaritanism, this might
suggest a Persian period + chronology.
As for the status of Gerizim, the excavations strengthen the
idea that this may be very early indeed. How early is something we will have
to wait for patiently as--insofar as I have understood--they have not gotten
down to bedrock yet, but 6th century is early indeed--far earlier than
Jerusalem's temple.

1) I argued already in my Early History of 1992 that the
populations of the regions of Judea and Samaria should be dealt with in
separate but related histories from the Iron Age. Judaism seems to be the
relatively latecomer, when one begins to consider identification and
self-identity as Jews and Samaritans (that is, Shomronim)--a relationship of
the older tradition of the Samaritans and the younger Judaism, which has many
confirmations in the biblical traditions (see here my new book, The Messiah
Myth, Basic, New York, April, 2005). Ingrid's 2000 book on the Samaritans
deals extensively--and I think essentially correctly--with Josephus'
treatment of the Samaritans as both tendentious and distorting.


Thomas L. Thompson
Professor, University of Copenhagen

Yigal Levin wrote:

Dear Thomas,

If you are willing to share them, I would be interested to
hear your views
on the following two issues:
1. The role that the political division between Samaria and
especially during the Persian Period but perhaps also during
the Iron Age,
had on the development of Judaism and Samaritanism into two
distinct groups.

2. As far as it is possible to tell from the archaeological
and textual
evidence, when do you think that Mt. Gerizim attained its
status as the
Samaritans' cultic center? Was it not only after the sack of
Samaria by
Alexander and its conversion into a Greek city? Or is there
evidence of it
having occurred earlier? Would this not then give us a date
for at least the
inclusion of Mt. Geranium into the Samaritan Pentateuch?

Thank you,


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  • [b-hebrew] Kitchen part I:, Thomas L. Thompson, 03/22/2005

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