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  • From: Dan Wagner <Dan.Wagner AT>
  • To: Biblical Hebrew <b-hebrew AT>
  • Subject: RE: Is. 42:6
  • Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2000 17:16:30 -0500

The parallelism in 49:6 (parallel passage & same idea as in 42:6) of "I will
give you for a light of/to the Gentiles" with "to be my salvation to the
ends of the earth" seems to support the common translations. The L-inf.
constr. from HYH makes identification of the servant (as "salvation")
explicit in the final stich, implying the same for "light." (Syntactic
parallels for L on 2nd accusative of NTN in Isaiah include 8:18; 40:23;
42:24?; [49:8]; also 43:28 looks like it could be taken 2 different ways.)

At least that's the way i would tend to take it. Isa. 42:6 by itself could
be interpreted as you suggest.

Related also is Isa. 49:3 which identifies the servant as "Israel," though
he is also distinct from the nation, esp. in ch. 53. I think the intended
idea is that since national Israel failed in its corporate mission to bless
the Gentiles (Gen. 12:2-3; 18:18; 26:4; 28:14; Ex. 19:6 & Hos. 4:6 as a
priest-nation to mediate grace), the ideal, ultimate "Israel"-Servant was
prophesied to finally fulfill that mission (cf. Psm. 72:17; Isa. 55:3-4).

Dan Wagner

-----Original Message-----
From: Liz Fried [mailto:lizfried AT]
Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2000 10:49
To: Biblical Hebrew
Subject: Is. 42:6

Why is this translated "I give you *as* a covenant of the people, a light of
Why isn't it "I give you *to* a covenanted people, *to* the light of
The verb NTN routinely takes L to indicate the recipient.
In this way, the servant then is given *to* Israel, and is not Israel


Lisbeth S. Fried
Visiting Scholar
University of Michigan
Department of Near Eastern Studies
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109
lizfried AT

Spem successus alit.

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  • Is. 42:6, Liz Fried, 11/01/2000
    • <Possible follow-up(s)>
    • RE: Is. 42:6, Dan Wagner, 11/02/2000

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