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- From: Bernardo Doré <berdore AT>
- To: Arquitetura da Informação (em Português) <aifia-pt AT>
- Subject: [AI] The Myth of Usability Testing
- Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2009 10:54:53 -0200
Bom-dia pessoal.
Feriadão, praia lotada, mas vamos botar a cachola pra funcionar:
The Myth of Usability Testing
by Robert Hoekman, Jr.
In 1998, usability expert Rolf Molich (co-inventor with Jakob Nielsen of the heuristic evaluation method) gave nine teams three weeks to evaluate the webmail application The experiment was part of his series of Comparative Usability Evaluations (CUEs), through which he began to identify a set of standards and best practices for usability tests. In each segment of the series, Molich asked several usability teams to evaluate a single design using the method of their choice.
From the documented results of the second test, called CUE-2, a surprising trend appeared. Contrary to claims that usability professionals operate scientifically to identify problems in an interface, usability evaluations are at best less than scientific.
Sem paixão, sem taboo, aprecio as considerações de vocês sobre o artigo. Vale a pena acompanhar os comentários no site também.
Robert Hoekman Jr. também é autor de Designing the Obvious, que eu recomendo.
Sobre avaliação de métricas de usabilidade recomendo Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Usability Metrics (Tom Tullis e Bill Albert), já indicado anteriormente aqui na lista.
- [AI] The Myth of Usability Testing, Bernardo Doré, 11/02/2009
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