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ocba - Re: [ocba] Hello the list!

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Subject: Orange County, NC Beekeepers

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  • From: Catherine Adamson <cadamson AT>
  • To: ocba AT
  • Subject: Re: [ocba] Hello the list!
  • Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 12:34:10 -0400

Hi all,

More "newbee" updates.

My co-keeper with the sting behind her ear turned out not to be allergic at all, but rather had an ear infection.  The sting swelling went down, but her symptoms got worse.  She actually burst both eardrums the day after wrote my original message, and while she's recovering, she says she can still hear the bees buzzing in her tinnitus.

The queen was released after three days, and I also removed some burr comb at that time.  Since then, the girls have been incredibly busy.  They socked away 1.5 gallons of sugar syrup and also drew out 9 frames of foundation with beautiful new wax, in 7 days flat! I just gave them the second deep yesterday, so they should be set for a little while.  I've taken the feeder off now, but will check to make sure they are bringing in nectar to replace the sugar water.  I was using a Miller top feeder and I love it - only 4 or 5 bees lost, and it didn't attract robbers.

The last time we checked we also saw the queen, as well as quite a few eggs, though at the time she seemed to have run out of empty cells, being crowded by the mass amounts of sugar syrup being stored (hence the second deep).  Hoping to see capped brood and more eggs next time I look.


On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:56 AM, Catherine Adamson <cadamson AT> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm a new member by way of this year's bee school, and just wanted to send a quick hello email to everyone.

I installed my first package on Saturday, with only two stings suffered - one each for me and my co-beekeeper.  My fingertip is still swollen and hot two days later as the sting broke off and some of it is still embedded.  Co-keeper was not as lucky - she was stung behind the ear and had some bilateral pain and swelling (including well away from the sting) in response.  Her ears still feel like she needs to "pop" them to relieve pressure, but she's feeling much better.  Well, we've both been tested by the girls and hopefully they've "got our scent" now. 

Haven't opened the hive back up since installation, but plenty of activity out front and a solid hum are apparent.  Going to check tomorrow afternoon to be sure the queen is released.


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