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permaculture - [permaculture] be the change in this list, No fear - A letter from South Sudan 30 July 2016 WAS [OT] My Vision of the Future (now!)

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: joao pedro goncalves <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] be the change in this list, No fear - A letter from South Sudan 30 July 2016 WAS [OT] My Vision of the Future (now!)
  • Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2016 23:46:59 +0100

It is great news! Great teaching!

May we all rejoice and feel sorrow, with the people of South Sudan.

May we all stay in this list, to cover all PC topics and OT, and find the
delete b. when needed.

It is tempting to create new lists, but again, if you are not happy with
this one
"be the change you want to see in this list."
or just wait,
because for every step you give towards Love,
Love gives 2 steps towards you ... or is it 3?

Think of our ancestors.

On Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 6:10 PM, Georg Parlow <> wrote:

> > I think more education is called for but an education of the heart
> rather than the mind.
> > ... a stillness that allows one to merge with ones environment and that
> includes fellow humans.
> and a stillness that allows the Love/Truth/Divinity that lives deep in our
> heart of hearts to emerge, or rather a stillness that allows us to hear
> that Love’s gentle voice. We keep forgeting that we are part of Nature with
> a capital N, and as Deep Ecology teaches us, Nature acts through us in
> spite of us beliving in this or not, in spite of us feeling 'connected' or
> not.
> > The invisible should begin with ethics because that should be the root
> of our economic, legal, and social systems. When I say that I mean ethics
> that have replaced "Care" with "Love". Not the love that "requires an
> other but the love that pours from ones inner being in response to the
> suffering of our total biosphere. Buddha taught compassion, Jesus Christ
> taught love I think they were talking about the same phenomena.
> again a heartfelt YES. Btw, this is the reason why I have mixed feelings
> about Sepp Holzer and some others being are viewed as permaculture
> flagships - they are doing great with (some) nuts and bolts, but are about
> as far from Love, share and care as a civilized westener can get without
> getting into cobflict with the law.
> >> They perturb it from its natural course. Their aim is to control it--
> to scrape it clean, grade it level and pave it over-- so it can be used.
> >> So my question is-- what to do about them?
> basically there is nothing wrong with using the environs - "everything
> gardens", remember? Problems arise, if it is used in a way that is not
> sustainable. But the problem is the solution - something that is not
> sustainable is not going to last, by definition :-) So I would advise to do
> nothing "about them" at all. Let’s rather follow our hearts in the here and
> now, building and living the life our hearts are desiring - an integrated,
> natural and sustainable lifestyle. This way we are building the future
> without thinking too much of the future. When we talk about Love as part of
> the pc ethics, let’s remember that Love is not possible without trust. Fear
> and Love somehow do not mix.
> Georg
> permaculture mailing list
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João Gonçalves

"Ao comprar ou consumir de forma ética também está a intervir na paisagem e
a decidir quem tem trabalho."

"Eating is an agricultural act" - "Comer é um acto agrícola" - Wendell

"Permacultura (Cultura Permanente) é um sistema ético de design ecológico."

(+351) 96 96 80 009
Chão Sobral - Oliveira do Hospital - Serra do Açor - Portugal

Para descobrir:
Documentário "Alface" na Aldeia das Amoreiras
Permacultura na Serra do Açor - Portugal
"Comida que nunca acaba" / Permacultura no Malawi
Centro de Ecologia Integral
Nyumbani - Kenya


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