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permaculture - Re: [permaculture] Fwd: [compost_tea]

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  • From: "Scott Pittman" <>
  • To: "'permaculture'" <>
  • Subject: Re: [permaculture] Fwd: [compost_tea]
  • Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2015 10:52:36 -0600

A little over the top Lawrence, you obviously have some passion about
compost and soil remediation but that is not a good excuse for such vitriol.
While I don't think your problem is drugs, I sometimes wonder if your swings
in emotion have to do with a lack of meds.

I have been in permaculture for 30 years and drank the Mollison Kool-Aid of
dismissing Biodynamics as being the ultimate agricultural woo-woo. But
having visited many biodynamic farms and gardens and seen the incredible
results in my own garden I had to own up to my lack of knowledge of
esoterica. Rudolph Steiner is in the class of Tesla, Viktor Schauberger,
Callahan, and Rupert Sheldrake all of whom were and are brilliant minds
exploring life beyond the laboratory and classroom. It took me a long time
to acknowledge that there is something beyond Euclidian thought but I
recovered finally.

If you have a point please state it in a way that it can be rationally
understood without the drama of words such as Fascist and other derogatory
statements. "Prove it" works both ways.

This is not to say that I do not appreciate the work of Elaine Ingam and her
bringing our attention to the incredible life in the soil, but her story,
like most, is just part of the story.


"To change something build a new model that makes the existing model
obsolete" Buckminster Fuller

-----Original Message-----
From: permaculture [] On Behalf
Of Georg Parlow
Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2015 2:21 AM
To: permaculture
Subject: Re: [permaculture] Fwd: [compost_tea]

having been trained -amongst other things- as a drug abuse counseller and
therapist, seeing in what readyness you loose your temper and start to
emotionally put forks in peoples eyes makes me think, that you might have a
longterm drug abuse problem. None of my business, you are free to put into
your body whatever you feel you like or need, but I would prefer a
permaculture list operating on some more adult level of communication with a
little more neo cortex impulse control.

I personally do not agree of esoteric floaty woaty energystuff, but I try to
live by something that is expressed in the famous quote "i dispise your
opinion, but I would give my life for you to be able to express it."

And I personally do agree with the interpretation, that we as a species tend
to generalize and simplify. I don't thing it is lazyness but a) energy
efficiency (brains use most energy in our bodies) and b) the power of
astraction. And I believe that this is part of our strength as species, not
a weakness. However, as usual it isn't a question of either or, but of as
well as in the proper mix - and what 'proper' means is different for
different people and for different situations - important is that the sum od
us as it 'properly balanced'. Not sure if this is currently the case, but we
(or our descendants) will only be able to judge that in hindsight.


> Am 02.06.2015 um 01:20 schrieb Lawrence London <>:
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 6:53 PM, Steve Hart <
> wrote:
>> The great problem here is we species man have a habit of trying to
>> things. Probably because we are naturally lazy..we like shortcuts.
> Horse dung. Speak for yourself. You have NO clue what others are doing and
> have accomplished over the past 50 years. Until you take a serious look at
> the global world of organic and permacultural agriculture over the past
> hundred years you are hardly entitled to insult us as being lazy and
> for simplfication.
>> There
>> are other dynamics that create the 500 from horns which is very different
>> from compost systems. They are spiritual. etheric and astral energies
>> combined with Electromagneticism. Read:
> Prove it.
> Do you have a food garden?
> Do you find the scientology and creationism movements attractie?
> When are you going to extricate your mind from the grip of that
> despicable fascist pig posing as some kind of visionary.....and think for
> yourself.
> Have you tried aquaponics? compost tea? remineralization?
> or do you buy all your food from the box stores?
> I think Elaine has made a valid point. Do you know as much about
> microbiology as she?
> What qualifies you to preach

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