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permaculture - [permaculture] Palaces4People : Introduction, Lion Kuntz, Sonoma County, California, USA

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: Lawrence London <>
  • To: permaculture <>
  • Subject: [permaculture] Palaces4People : Introduction, Lion Kuntz, Sonoma County, California, USA
  • Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2013 14:15:58 -0400

Palaces4People ยท Palaces For The People

Message archives, 1531 messages

*1st message -- Palaces For The People*
On August 29, 2003, had 340 listings for Palaces For The
People. 60 of the top 63 listings were about this topic.

Hello reader:

Belonging to 30 groups on Yahoo just to find a few people interested
in Palaces for the People meant getting flack from some other members
whose eyes hurt to even see Palaces mentioned. One group moderator
suggested getting my own group going. So, here it is.

Probably not a lot of action in the beginning, but hopefully people
will discover the place. If you join, you need to know a couple of
things. I delete every message with attachments sent to me, without
exception. Your computer can be taken-over by malicious code and send
out virus-laden emails under your name without you even knowing the
mail was sent.

Probably I will be more tolerant about "off-topic" emails than some
other group moderators, but my patience might get worn away
eventually just like theirs did. Don't pick fights or automatically
assume that someone else is picking a fight with you -- the
impersonal written word is all too often misinterpreted or
misunderstood, and people who are truly obnoxious are soon known and
easily disregarded.

No commercial messages tolerated. Spammers are banned as soon as
found out.

Welcome to this group.

Sincerely, Lion Kuntz
Santa Rosa, California, USA


*Palaces4People : Introduction, Lion Kuntz, Sonoma County, California, USA
Re: Fw: [soilandhealth] Introduction, Lion Kuntz, Sonoma County,
California, USA *

John, I just went through almost identical group bashing on the
Arcology group a few days before Solomon's group.

I tend to think about "me" and "you" being "me" = myself alone,
and "you" equals just about everybody else either singly or in

Half the time I say "you" I don't include John D'Hondt because I
don't think he is a villian in the group, but I don't make it
clear when I include you in the group that is following the path
of least resistence that I think leads nowhere worth going.

As I said in the introduction, the ag project is on hold.
Physically I am unable to do anything and I live on 8 acres
rented which I am not allowed to change -- it's all covered in
woods with nary a spot which can grow even most comodities with
low sunlight requirements. I could do mushrooms, rabbits,
vermaculture, if I was a bit more robust in health.

Dealing with trying to beat back at least one of three
debiltating conditions is a full-time job by itself.

My best service to the world is to seek, find, collate and
report, information publically available on the internet, which
gives hope that we can resolve common world-wide problems of
population, energy and land-use.

The kind of agriculture I have described does not look at all
like Old MacDonld's Farm, with a moo-moo here and a baa-baa

I made a clean break from any kind of transitional in-between.
If, or when, I do the example farm it will not look like a farm
driving by. It will look like a science-fiction movie set.

The whole thing is predicated on my grandfather, in his late
70s, so crippled up with arthritis that it took him half an hour
to go up a flight of stairs sitting on one, pulling up each leg
one step, then lifting his ass and torso up to the next stair.
He fed a family group of four on muscle-power without
animal-traction or machinery at least 50% of their diet
gardening no more than the esteemed Steve Solomon, of 2000
square feet. I saw that with my own eyes when I was a kid and
ever since I know that anybody with knowledge and a functional
body can do as much.

The agriculture I presented was not designed for any kind of
"self-sufficiency". I do not believe in "self-sufficiency" --
show me the man who makes his own spark-plugs, does his own
brain surgery, smelts his own metal alloys.

I presented an agriculture which allowed a person to trade
within his community, make a decent adequate living comparable
to everybody else, and have left-over energy and time to get
involved in political changes and activism.

That's what I did. Nothing was aimed at demonstrating one does
not need other people, and nothing ever implied that people
don't need each other. You wouldn't be on the internet, and I
wouldn't be one of the guys who helped create the internet and
algorthyms you use, if we didn't need other people.

Trading back and forth is a central assumption in Ecological
Synergy microfarming. Wasting time growing lowest value crops
when they can be bought dirt-cheap from one's neighbors does not
make any sense. It re-creates some solitary pioneer-era
farmstead that didn't have neighbors to trade with, a stupid
exerise in re-creating the "good-old-days" which never really

I have struck a balance between some low-price items and some
high-price items, instead of even thinking of cultivating square
miles of land growing monocrops of low-priced commodity crops to
make a living on the slim margin of volume. Even farmers with
2000 acres of wheat shop at the grocery store, and make just as
good customers as doctor, mechanics, plumbers, and teachers.

The quality is so high that people ought to pay a premium price,
but one can compete on price, quality, or any other factor.

One doesn't need to charge more to make a good living.

The Bible is well distributed and people know what it says, even
non-believers. It showed 2,500 - 3,000 years ago how the
economics works. The priest tribe did no work and owned no land.
They lived off of tithes, one-tenth, contributed by the other 11

Basically selling food to ones neighbors works the same way --
they pay you a tithe of their income.

In the Jews it worked like this: each tribe donated 10%, which
came to 11 times 10% or 110% of the income of the neighbors.

In ECOSYN, if each neighbor spends 4% of their income buying
food from your farm, then 25 neigghbors contribute 100% of your
income, which is the same as their average income. 25 families
of 4 is 100 people.

All you need is 4% of their income and 25 family customers, and
you have an "average" income from your neighborhood. It works
just as well in India paid in Rupees as it does in the USA paid
in dollars. Wherever you are you collect a fair pay for a
product people want and need. Even other farmers are your
customers, as you also are to them. There are a few people
growing 40 kinds of apples, but I can assure you that they are
not growing grapes or wheat. No microfarmer can grow 40 kinds of
apples, having crops coming in every week over an extended
season of production from early to late varieties, not and still
do the all the other things too.

So forget all that silliness of the pioneer era family putting
away apples in the root cellar, churning the butter, grinding
the wheat, haying the horses. That was then, this is now.

Growing eight microfarms on 40 acres makes more sense than
growing corn. You will have more time for yourself at the end of
the day, more money in your pocket, more high-quality food and
variety in your diet. Everybody involved will have a better
quality of life. Plus you will have all the corn you want or

Trading over the fence with neighbors is essential for
microfarming, which is capable of creating more fertilizers than
is needed at a peak rate, under very favorable conditions of
eight acres of fertilizers produced per acre worked.

On order to do that, grow fertlizers, one may trade over the
fence with the neighbor growing alfalfa in excess of his needs.
Alfalfa is itself a high-grade fertilizer -- you can bury it and
enrich your land with N-P-K in nicely balanced quatities and it
is a sequestor of trace minerals, so you get all of those too.

Instead of buying (or growing) alfalfa for burying, feed it to
the rabbits first -- their manures have just about everything
the alfalfa had, but you get a crop of meat first from the
alfalfa before burying it.

Instead of just burying the rabbit manures, feed them to worms
first and the manures will be richer by the vermicomposting then
they were as rabbit manures. Then you get some portion of
poultry or fish crop from the worms, whose manures, feathers,
blood, offals, enrich the fertilizers.

The actinomycetes will unlock your soil minerals, particularly
the phosphorus. They are nature's phosphate pump. They also have
the nitrogenase gene to make bio-nitrogen as needed. The
actinomycetes are the reason one never trods on the growing
beds, never plows, never tills, never rototills. As long as the
actinomycetes are growing good in tender threads thinner than a
human hair underground you will never run out of P or N.

Actinomycetes trade over the fence with their neighbors. A clump
of actinomycetes, all gentically identical -- one organism, may
cover several acres underground where you can't see them. They
can transport essential elements from one end to the other
through their cellular transport fluids means. One rich pocket
of minerals anywhere in their territory gets spread over the
whole mass.

ECOSYN puts barriers in the way, impeding ignorant humans from
crushing, breaking, churning up these microherd trade and
transport pathways.

That's why one does not need "organic certification"
inspections. You can fly over an ECOSYN microfarm and confirm if
someone is cheating ot not. Either you see barriers blocking
tillage or you don't from 10,000 feet up in the air. That's all
the inspection one needs.

All of nature functions on SYNERGY. Man is the only organism who
deliberately tries not to.

In order to understand ECOSYN one must be willing to view
through several levels of magnification, from viewing the
microfarm within its natural and social environment like a
high-altitude photo, to zooming in on particular elements, like
rabbits, within the systems, to zooming in on the cecum of the
rabbit gut which has symbiotic bacterial helping the mammal with
the shortest digestion system capable of breaking down cellousic
foods. You have to zoom in on the particular gut bacterial and
their genes which include nitrogenase to make bio-fixed

You also have to look at the microherd's environment on a
relative macro-scale, understanding how they fit into their
environment in the same way one looked at the microfarm's fit in
its environment.

One intervenes as necessary, AND NO MORE THAN NECESSARY, to make
it all function in harmonious cycles. The FUKUOKI One Straw
Revolution of do-nothing-farming is the closest peer.

This takes time to learn. Time that Arun pissed away for two
years. Time that SANET pissed away for 7 years. Time I wouldn't
allow Steve Solomon to piss away for more than a few days.

ECOSYN needs classroom instruction as well as hands-on field
experience. A dedicated interested student can get what they
need in two years -- maybe already has some of it from life or
outside education process experiences already. Nobody can get it
from a website, from a collection of websites, from any one (or
a few) book(s), or from apprenticing on some organic farm. It
takes the classroom and the field, both, before one has a good
total grasp.

Look on your birth certificate. See if there is any guarantee
there that you will have an easy life or that nature will be
made easier for you than anybody else.

Nature is at complexity almost at the outer boundry of human
comprehension. It can be made simple up to a certain point and
no farther -- beyond that point it is the student's job to
understand natures complexity.

Fortunately a lot can be taught by rote: "do this, then do
that". That doesn't prepare the microfarmer on what to do when
things don't work perfectly. That's why the Institute is their
backup -- their source of help. That's where the ever-growing
library is stored, and experts on tap to help figure out what
went wrong, and where to intervene and tweak the systems to get
it balanced and functioning again.

The complexity is so awesome it nearly killed me penetrating it.
My single-mindedness meant that I ignored early warning signs of
my own imbalances, while I pursued knowledge in the face of
non-stop harrassment and antagonisms.

A robust immune system slowed the onset of symptoms of Hepatitis
C virus to such a slow progression that I never got simple clear
conspicuous warning that a major compromise had occurred. I just
got weaker and more fatigued, which I could attribute to
environmental stressors and external causes.

Either one, less stress, or less debilitation from an intruding
parasitic virus, would have meant that I would be writing this
now from the Institute instead of from my holdout in the woods.
I would be surrounded by like-motivated people accumulating the
library and operating a world-class website. By now, seven years
later, There would be a teaching farm in daily operation and
already a proliferation of graduates putting it all into
practice in ever growing circles of expansion.

It was more than any one person could do. It was more than I
could do alone.

Here's a link from the late 1990s, circa about 1998 first

That's seven years ago. I updated a few links since then but
this website has not been worked on for most of that time.

Here's others:
Results about 30 for "Ecological Synergy" Sixth extinction.

If 50,000 species are made extinct per year, than 350,000 have
gone in 7 years, and nobody has done anything but piss and moan
about what a shame that is. I damn near killed myself digging
out the answers: agriculture and land-use is a major part of the

There's my record: 30 citations on for "Ecological
Synergy" and the Sixth Extinction.

PALACES for the People followed a similar course: shortly into
it I had health systems collapse from abrupt onset of diabetes
Type II. Despite my disability I pursued that without major
action from others. It didn't take me seven years this time.

I'm on the third leg of the Tripod Plan now. I have scripts
downloading hundreds and hundreds of PDFs up to whole CDROMs at
a time (62 megabytes in one file).

On top of all this I have to try to save my life from illnesses
which medical science has insufficient answers, and still almost
every single day of my life I get hate-mail from the opponents
to what I stand for. My introduction to Steve Solomon was a
contemptuous piece he wrote to Arun and mailed to me "by
mistake" he claims.

I posted my reply and appended his original in a public place:

I document the type of non-stop crap I get to show the history
of fighting for a future in a world signed onto a vast
murder-suicide pact that wipes out 50,000 species per year
without even discussing why they do that and if it has to be so.

Solomon is NOT on the side of the angels.

I have 33 years track record, and it's all the same. It's only
lately that I post a few examples of the interfering, useless,
non-helpful and insulting crap people have been dishing out for
three decades. This is the record who I am, and the record of
who I meet in life. If there's better people in the world, they
are facing the same onslaught of crap in their solitary fight
the same as me. But there's not a lot of proof that there are
lots of better people out there, is there? There's steady
progression to the brink of the cliff in this global
suicide-murder pact and not much evidence of going in a better

I have a script of 277 PDF files waiting to download, read, and
find obscure useful facts buried in the one paragraph I might be
tempted to skip over. That's the next script -- I still have
half of yesterday's script to download. According to my records
there's 170 megabytes I downloaded yesterday that I haven't read
every word of yet. That's 271 files or parts of
files-in-progress from yesterday's script. From New Years Eve
through the day before yesterday there was another 270 files, or
parts-in-progress queued up for completion, numbering another
150 megabytes. I was downloading a CDROM of 62 megabytes while
discussing on Solomon's list -- I mentioned it.

>From all this I have a good handle on the pathway to low-cost
Silica purification, improved electrolysis Hydrogen
generation-separation-purification-pressurization, and the prime
pathway for implimentation of the Hydrogen Infrastructure.

I especially liked Hera's Hydrogen Pressurization process that
uses only hydrides, gases and temperatures, to pump up Hydrogen
to High Pressure for delivery to fuel tanks. It has practically
no moving parts in the mechanical sense. It matches my own
design philosophy.\

I think I have a cheaper better way, but it's nice to have a
backup process that has been tested and works well.

With all this going on, what do I want to fight with Arun and
Solomon for? They are never going to "get it" until the examples
totally surround them on all sides. Same with SANET.

I don't have any more years for fighting with people. 350,000
dead species is long enough. Shit or get off the pot.

... Lion Kuntxz

  • [permaculture] Palaces4People : Introduction, Lion Kuntz, Sonoma County, California, USA, Lawrence London, 03/28/2013

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