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permaculture - Green Solitaire

Subject: permaculture

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  • From: "Lawrence F. London, Jr." <>
  • To:
  • Subject: Green Solitaire
  • Date: Sat, 24 Jan 1998 14:10:28 -0500

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Title: Green Solitaire

  1logo.gif (13412 bytes) Green Solitaire

Who Will Speak For Planet Earth?---Carl Sagan

Why you, of course. In order to bring ourselves into accord with Nature, everyone must get involved with environmentalism, not just environmental groups and our governments. The purpose of this web page to offer concrete actions that each person can do in their daily lives promote the health of this planet at the grassroots level.  The goal of this site is to provide examples of all the ways the Internet is going to play a major role in environmentalism.    

Welcome to Green Solitaire. Thanks for Stopping. Come in and sit a spell. Green Solitaire promotes thinking globally and acting locally.

award4.gif (27017 bytes)

  phil.gif (10159 bytes)   The Philosophical Stuff: Trying to change my own attitudes towards Nature is for me the most difficult and yet what I believe to be the most important part of environmentalism. This page provides my journal links, fundamental environmental concepts, those who I consider to be the great environmentalists, and a listing of sites where philosophical ideas about the environment are shared.

   local.gif (10159 bytes) The Local Stuff: Rochester, New York has a wide variety of environmental web sites which offer a lot of information and services.  If you live in this area, check them out.  If you don't, use these sites as examples of the kind of local environmental information your community does or should have.

  Linking.gif (10159 bytes)    The Linking Stuff: As an ordinary citizen, I hope this page furthers the benefits of cyberspace by helping link those who care about the environment with as much information as the Internet provides.

 practical.gif (10159 bytes)    The Practical Stuff: This is the meat and potatoes of Green Solitaire for it is the Internet connection to all the documents and pages pertaining to specific actions individuals can do to help our planet.

   KIDS.gif (10159 bytes)   Kids Stuff:  Our children will inherit this planet.  What condition will the health of Earth be in when they grow up?  It's important that kids learn from an early age how to help protect, manage, and love Earth.  This area has been especially designed to help kids learn about our environment.

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Please take a moment email03.gif (15011 bytes)to communicate.  It's not only great to get feedback from those who visit this site, it's an important element of environmentalism.  You won't get ignored here.   Until everyone on the planet starts making changes in the way we treat Nature, the changes that do occur won't have much affect on the overall health of our planet.   With your feedback, I can determine how best to help make the Internet one of the most valuable resources for environmentalism.   Environmentalism isn't just a hobby, an interest, or a vocation: It's the air you breath, the ground you're standing on, and the water you drink.  You may disagree on how some of our environmental concerns should be solved, but you certainty are a part of Nature, regardless of what you think of the environmental movement.

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Projects I can use some help with:

Although, Green Solitaire is a web page for individuals, the whole point of having an environmental web page is to have individuals all over the planet work in concert, in order to achieve a healthy planet for all. Here are some projects I could use some help with: (Of course, if you'll scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.)
  • If you have an environmental home page, please link up with Green Solitaire!
  • If your local newspaper has an web version of their paper, request that they post their environmental articles for the Internet. This will provide an invaluable resource for all. I've contacted my local (actually in Rochester, NY it's the only) newspaper, DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE Digital Edition, and they said, "We will keep this in mind. Thanks for writing." To help me keep it in their mind, would you drop them a note, reinforcing this request.?
  • If you have, or know of any environmental sites especially designed for kids, please send me the address so I can list it in Kids Stuff.
  • Do you know of a Rochester, NY environmental web site not listed in Local Stuff?   Let me know and I'll list it. 

Hot List

Time Magazine presents a special online presentation on our environment. Our Precious Planet
Help The World Wildlife Fund's Living Planet Campaign in three categories: protecting endangered species, saving endangered species, and addressing global threats. WWF - Action
CNN has developed a comprehensive page on the recent summit in Japan on global warming. There are reports on the causes, the signs, political stakes, and controversies on this issue. Here you can read the entire text of the Kyoto Protocol. CNN - Our Changing climate - a special report on global warming - 1997
Before they go, check out the last two frontiers. Sea and Sky
How many people at this minute are there on Earth?  How many is too many?   What problems face us in the future because of over-population? 6 billion Human Beings
Not to be outdone by CNN, MSNBC also has provided the Internet with a comprehensive section on Global Warming. Get a comprensive list of global warming sites here. MSNBC Global Warming Front Page
Here are two excellent articles on living green that were sent to me by e-mail. Got some more like these? Short Environmental Tips & THE ECOLOGICAL HIGHRISE
Just found this every extensive environmental site. It's got a good section on biodiversity, a place to Chat About Nature, environmental news, and more. Home Page of The Nature Conservancy - Help Protect Endangered Species
new05.gif (1433 bytes) Scientists call for ocean protection.  Read this story, listen to the speakers, and then join in the discussion. ENN News - Scientists call for ocean protection
This site on tree-ring research represents the very best kind of environmental web site: created by an individual, having
a unique look, taking on a specific area of the environment, providing a wealth of information in a clear, interesting way, and monitoring the health of our planet
The Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages
This place has to be the ultimate place to find environmental sites on the Internet. Environmental Organization WebDirectory!

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Frank J. Regan.
Copyright © 1997 [
Green Solitaire] All rights reserved.
Revised: January 22, 1998.

  • Green Solitaire, Lawrence F. London, Jr., 01/24/1998

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