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pcplantdb - [pcplantdb] Re: new PC plant database

Subject: pcplantdb

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  • From: Chad Knepp <>
  • To:
  • Cc:
  • Subject: [pcplantdb] Re: new PC plant database
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 19:12:52 -0500

Richard Morris writes:
> Chad Knepp wrote:
> Nice one.
> I do like the way the advance search has been laid out.
> Very clear.
> Is source code available?

Thanks! I can easily supply a sql.gz (mysql 3.23) of the database.
The database doesn't look anything like PFAF now, and it's still
pretty dynamic. I'm appending an auto-generated guide so you can
check out the some of the changes. If it says YES in Null, it means I
haven't messed with it yet.

Well legally the DSL license requires that I supply the source
code... and yes, if you really want it I can put together a tar ball.
Let me try and discourage that a bit though, because it is incredibly
messy and although written in python, it's completely procedural. It
started off quite small and then I just kept kludging more stuff onto
it and now it's a huge mess. The next step is a bug squashing rewrite
and documentation party. I don't expect this to take a long time, but
I don't currently have even a short time available. I promise to
release a decent version that will run stand alone on anything that
runs python, apache, and mysql (Linux/BSD/*nix, M$, MacOS?) complete
with installation documentation by the end of June. If you can't wait
for that I'll whip you up a custom tarball. I really do believe in
Open Source software.

><big snip>
> > o Powerful and Easy: In order for collective collaboration to work,
> > it has to be easy to use. Good interface design is an important
> > part. This is why I think that currently PCPDB is somewhat
> > better than PFAF (sorry Richard).
> Yes I agree the pfaf website db interface has got a little bloated.
> But it was done well before google came about.
> Its all due for a clean up but time is limited.

I've really been focusing my efforts on the simple search form of
PCPDB and would like to diminish the need to use search interfaces
like the PCPDB advanced form and PFAF. The current public version of
the PCPDB simple search is not very good. It does ok on one or two
words, but more words [especially common ones] just tend to select
for entries with the most data. Any search containing five words or
more will probably result in "apple".

My own local version of the PCPDB simple search gives pretty good
results for complex english sentences. Unfortunately it has to use a
lot of regular expressions in python which slows it down tremendously.
I am fairly confident that I can reduce the use of regular expressions
by continuing to improve the structure of the database. A whole
paragraph of sql executes faster than one regex.

> > o Free and Redistributable: This is mostly just my own personal
> > stance on intellectual property. PCDB would always be free in
> > the OSS sense. This would require that contributers agree to
> > copyleft their submissions.
> Just one point our license has now changed to the Creatibve Commons
> (Atribution Non-commercial, sharealike) liscence. And require the
> following to appear:
> This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
> (You can copy, distribute, display this works but: Attribution is
> required, its for Non-Commercial purposes, and it's Share Alike
> (GNUish/copyleft) i.e. has an identical license.)
> We also ask that you let us know ( if you link to,
> redistribute, make a derived work or do anything groovy with this
> information.

So Richard, I must confess I'm feeling a little pissy about this whole
license deal. I don't feel that you've been taking me seriously. I'm
glad you decided to respond to me email. I'm disappointed that it
took my releasing PCPDB in order for you to do it.

Since PCPDB is based on the November 2000 release of PFAF, I believe I
am within legal rights by conforming to and displaying the license
contained within that distribution. I have closely examined and in
the past I have encouraged the adoption of the CC by-nc-sa by PFAF.
One of the reasons I was encouraging the adoption of a *real* license
is because the PFAF one is legally way fucking abusable. Read the
first sentence of this paragraph again.

You may also recall that I complained a little about the attribution
(by) clause of the CC license. It reads to me, and seems like a hell
of a lot of work, that virtually every word changed must be tracked
and attributed to their respective authors. I've started to implement
this functionality but it seems absolutely nuts.

Ok, I'm done venting. I apologize if I was a little too harsh.

I think it would be best to have all contributers agree to using the
same license, relinquish the right of atomic attribution to the
project, and have a credits page listing contributors and perhaps the
nature of their contribution. The aforementioned CC license would do
fine. This seems sane and fair to me. How does that sound to you?

If this does sound good to you, sometime in the future I would really
appreciate a more recent snapshot of the CC licensed PFAF database in
a format that is importable to mysql.

> Minor bugs:
> Doing and advanced search on checking for a word in the
> culture tab gave the results
> Latin names were not clickable. Clicking on family name gave a cgi
> error and clicking on describe gave a blank page.
> Also got
> File Not Found: /pcpdb_glossary.html

Like I said earlier I've been focusing almost exclusively on the
simple search and I'm not surprised that the advanced form is broken.
I don't plan on fixing it very soon either.


War sucks,
Chad Knepp

Database: pcpdb Table: botanical_name Rows: 7396 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default |
Extra | Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 |
| select |
| legacy_pfaf_latin_name | varchar(100) | | | |
| select |
| family | varchar(50) | | MUL | |
| select |
| genus | varchar(50) | | | |
| select |
| species | varchar(50) | | | |
| select |
| ssp | varchar(50) | YES | | |
| select |
| common_name | varchar(50) | YES | MUL | |
| select |
Database: pcpdb Table: composition Rows: 146 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| part_of_plant | varchar(50) | | | Fruit | |
select |
| dry_or_fresh_weight | char(1) | | | F | |
select |
| water | float | YES | | | |
select |
| calories | float | YES | | | |
select |
| protein | float | YES | | | |
select |
| fat | float | YES | | | |
select |
| carbohydrate | float | YES | | | |
select |
| fibre | float | YES | | | |
select |
| ash | float | YES | | | |
select |
| calcium | float | YES | | | |
select |
| phosphorus | float | YES | | | |
select |
| iron | float | YES | | | |
select |
| magnesium | float | YES | | | |
select |
| sodium | float | YES | | | |
select |
| potassium | float | YES | | | |
select |
| zinc | float | YES | | | |
select |
| vitamin_a | float | YES | | | |
select |
| thiamine | float | YES | | | |
select |
| riboflavin | float | YES | | | |
select |
| niacin | float | YES | | | |
select |
| vitamin_c | float | YES | | | |
select |
| vitamin_b6 | float | YES | | | |
select |
| source | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| notes | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: credit_author Rows: 2 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| author_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | | auto_increment |
select |
| name | varchar(100) | | | | |
select |
| email | varchar(50) | YES | | | |
select |
| url | varchar(100) | YES | | | |
select |
| notes | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: credit_image Rows: 0 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| pic_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | | select
| author_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | | select
| license_key | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | | select
Database: pcpdb Table: credit_license Rows: 2 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra
| Privileges |
| license_key | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | | auto_increment
| select |
| title | varchar(100) | | | |
| select |
| license | text | | | |
| select |
Database: pcpdb Table: credit_plant Rows: 14792 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| author_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| license_key | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| type_of_credit | varchar(100) | | | | |
select |
| date | timestamp(8) | YES | | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: credit_reference Rows: 540 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| ref_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| author_id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| license_key | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| type_of_credit | varchar(100) | | | | |
select |
| date | timestamp(8) | YES | | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: cultivars Rows: 1902 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| cultivar | tinytext | | | | |
select |
| notes_on_cultivar | text | YES | MUL | | |
select |
| synonyms | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: cultural_notes Rows: 7396 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | |
select |
| cultivation_details | text | | MUL | | |
select |
| propagation_details | text | | MUL | | |
select |
| known_hazards | tinytext | | MUL | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: culture Rows: 7396 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | |
select |
| hardyness | tinyint(4) | | | 11 | |
select |
| range | tinytext | | | | |
select |
| habitat | tinytext | | | | |
select |
| habit | varchar(50) | | | | |
select |
| deciduous_evergreen | char(1) | | | D | |
select |
| height_centimeters | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 100 | |
select |
| width_centimeters | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 50 | |
select |
| growth_rate | char(1) | | | M | |
select |
| nitrogen_fixer | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| supports_wildlife | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| months_in_leaf | varchar(50) | YES | | | |
select |
| months_in_flower | varchar(50) | YES | | | |
select |
| flower_type | char(1) | | | H | |
select |
| pollinators | varchar(128) | YES | | | |
select |
| self_fertile | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| months_seed_ripe | varchar(50) | YES | | | |
select |
| scented | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| soil | char(3) | | | LMH | |
select |
| heavy_clay | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| poor_soil | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| ph | char(3) | | | ANB | |
select |
| acid | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| alkaline | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| saline | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| moisture | char(3) | | | M | |
select |
| drought | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| shade | char(3) | | | SN | |
select |
| wind | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| pollution | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| frost_tender | char(1) | | | Y | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: hybrids Rows: 98 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | | select |
Database: pcpdb Table: plant_locations Rows: 7384 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | |
select |
| woodland_garden | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| canopy | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| secondary | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| sunny_edge | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| dappled_shade | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| shady_edge | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| deep_shade | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| other_habitats | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| cultivated_beds | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| ground_cover | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| lawn | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| meadow | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| hedge | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| hedgerow | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| pond | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| bog_garden | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
| walls | char(1) | | | N | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: range Rows: 7394 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | |
select |
| britain | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| europe | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| mediterranean | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| w_asia | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| e_asia | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| n_america | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| s_america | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| africa | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| australasia | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
| other | tinytext | YES | | | |
select |
Database: pcpdb Table: rating Rows: 7396 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | | select |
| pfaf | tinyint(3) unsigned | | | 1 | | select |
Database: pcpdb Table: references_index Rows: 70607 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | | select |
| book | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | | select |
Database: pcpdb Table: references_list Rows: 270 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges |
| number | smallint(6) | | PRI | 0 | | select |
| title | tinytext | | | | | select |
| author | varchar(50) | YES | | | | select |
| comments | tinytext | | | | | select |
| publisher | varchar(50) | YES | | | | select |
| publication_date | smallint(6) | YES | | | | select |
| isbn | varchar(50) | YES | | | | select |
Database: pcpdb Table: scented_plants Rows: 1169 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 | | select
| plant_part | tinytext | YES | | | | select
| fresh | tinyint(4) | YES | | | | select
| crushed | tinyint(4) | YES | | | | select
| dried | tinyint(4) | YES | | | | select
| scent_class | tinytext | YES | | | | select
| notes | tinytext | YES | | | | select
Database: pcpdb Table: synonyms Rows: 4579 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default |
Extra | Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | | 0 |
| select |
| legacy_pfaf_synonym | varchar(100) | YES | | |
| select |
| author | tinytext | YES | | |
| select |
| legacy_pfaf_latin_name | varchar(100) | YES | | |
| select |
| genus | varchar(50) | YES | | |
| select |
| species | varchar(50) | YES | | |
| select |
| ssp | varchar(50) | YES | | |
| select |
Database: pcpdb Table: uses_glossary Rows: 271 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges |
| uses | varchar(100) | | MUL | | | select |
| definition | tinytext | | | | | select |
Database: pcpdb Table: uses_index Rows: 34006 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | MUL | 0 | | select |
| uses | varchar(100) | | MUL | | | select |
Database: pcpdb Table: uses_text Rows: 7396 Wildcard: %
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
Privileges |
| id | smallint(5) unsigned | | PRI | 0 | | select
| edible | text | YES | MUL | | | select
| medicinal | text | YES | | | | select
| other | text | YES | | | | select
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mIEKAL aND writes:
> Do you have a development trial page up for users to input data?


The short answer is not yet. That is definitely a goal though.


Chad Knepp writes:
> Hello all,
> Here are some ideas about what further development might look like. I
> don't have attachment to a particular name but I will be refering to
> this project as PCDB (PermaCulture DataBase) to distinguish it from
> o Collective Collaboration: The collective knowledge of a group is
> always larger than any subset of that group. This is [partly]
> why Open Source Software (OSS), like Linux, is growing faster
> than it's proprietary counterparts. See
> <> for some
> theory. PCDB would PRIMARILY aquire and change its information
> by handling user inputs/edits/contributions automagically. This
> is the essence of a wiki, but wikis [so far] are only capable of
> handling very general sorts of information.
> Anyway, putting 500-1000 hours into this project it could be pretty
> interesting. I think it would take around 300 hours to get to a
> collaborative state allowing others to grow and modify the data
> itself, which as I see it, is the most important part.

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