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msar-riders - [MSAR] Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training

Subject: Mounted search and rescue

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  • From: Una Smith <>
  • To:
  • Subject: [MSAR] Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training
  • Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 10:44:48 -0700

Below is a press release for a course offered in Tennessee in April 2008.
I am including it here because all by itself it may be an "eye opener" for
some of your MSAR unit members.

Una Smith
New Mexico

Seen here:

Large Animals Equal Large Problems

Everywhere in America thousands of large animals are transported through our
communities daily. They are moving over our streets, roads and highways.
Whenever a transportation emergency occurs, local first responders are
called. Without specific knowledge, training and equipment, the possibility
of the first responders becoming injured is very real.

Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training is the best way to protect
the lives of the first responders as well as provide the best possible care
for the animals involved. Trailer accidents, animals that escape their
pasture, and barn fires are common scenarios that often result in response
from fire and emergency services. Additionally, horses and other livestock
fall into trenches, are stuck in confined spaces or become otherwise trapped
in various ways. With a thorough understanding of the animals and the hazards
they pose, common rescue techniques can be adapted with special equipment to
achieve a safe and positive outcome.

Recent disasters have illustrated the value that humans place on their
animals, and clearly doing nothing to help in an emergency is not an option.
According to Mark Cole from USRider Equestrian Motor Plan (,
a nationwide roadside assistance program for equestrians that promotes Large
Animal Rescue awareness and training,

âœWeâ™ve found that emergency responders, while trained experts in human
rescue and extrication, often have no training in large animal rescue.
Because of this lack of training, responders are being put at great risk.
Moreover, in many accidents and disasters, animals without life-threatening
injuries are being injured further or even killed by use of incorrect

First responders are accustomed to victims recognizing they are present in a
helping role. However, a large animal involved in an emergency situation is
often in a fight or flight survival mode and could easily injure or kill a
first responder whoâ™s trying to help. Human reaction time is no match for
the instinctive kick of a horse. These gentle giants could simply turn or
move and crush anyone who enters a vehicle with animals inside. Responders
without adequate knowledge of safe, humane techniques have even been killed
while trying to euthanize animals.

Safety starts with the implementation of the National Incident Management
System (NIMS). An effective incident management system provides the means for
a safe, organized and efficient rescue and allows personnel from various
agencies to share a common communication language. The Incident Commander
arriving on scene must perform a risk assessment. The IC must weigh the
probability of injury to the rescuers. This risk versus gain equation must be
evaluated and the IC must act without jeopardizing rescue personnel. If
specially trained responders are available, with the required technical
equipment to effect the rescue, the probability of a safe and successful
rescue increases for both the responders and the animal.

Well-intentioned rescuers without adequate knowledge of the anatomy and
physiology of the animal may do more harm than good. For example, a lifting
rope placed around the lower leg of a horse could easily maim the animal,
resulting in the need for the animal to be euthanized. All too often, the
neck of an animal is seen as a handle and a rope attached for pulling. How
would we respond if someone threw a rope around our neck and started pulling?

Most well-equipped technical rescue teams will already have much of the
required equipment needed; however, additional unique pieces of equipment
will be necessary. For instance, a large âœA❠frame tall enough and strong
enough to lift a horse could be purchased or constructed. SCBA cylinders,
regulators and hoses can be combined with PVC pipe to assemble a mud rescue
kit to inject air near the feet of an animal to assist in freeing the animal.
Telescoping poles to cut halters or pass tools or ropes through a trailer can
be constructed to minimize risk and exposure to the rescuers. Rescue slings
can be purchased or constructed to enable lifting of the animals while
minimizing the danger of the animal falling during the lift. A special horse
glide can be purchased to enable the animal to be secured to it ⓠmuch in
the manner conventional back boards are used to stabilize humans. Ropes can
be attached and a team of people can drag the animal to the nearest available
transport vehicle.

Specialty courses are offered at many locations throughout the country and
attendance could literally save the lives of those responders who attend.
Eastern Kentucky University ( has established an annual Large
Animal Rescue training program that provides training to students in the Fire
and Safety Engineering Technology program ( This
special training is provided to the students as part of their college
curriculum requirements. To date, approximately 100 undergraduate students
have successfully completed the Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue

EKUâ™s Fire and Safety Engineering Technology Program was established in 1975
and is one of a handful of programs in the country offering undergraduate
degrees in fire and safety. Areas of study include life safety; fire
prevention, suppression and investigation, fire service administration; fire
protection principles; industrial loss prevention; safety program management;
and occupational safety and health.

To provide students the opportunity to gain the knowledge and skills required
to become proficient in the rescue of large animals, EKUâ™s Fire and Safety
Engineering Technology Program at Eastern Kentucky University will host the
fourth annual Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training next spring.

Scheduled for April 18-20, 2008, the first seminar is reserved as an elective
for fire sciences students at EKU. The second seminar, April 22-24, 2008, is
open to the public, with emphasis on recruiting fire and EMT responders,
veterinarians and others. The training will educate fire/rescue personnel,
first responders, veterinarians and horse enthusiasts about techniques and
procedures to assist large animals involved in transportation accidents and
other emergencies. Instruction will cover the use of sedatives and
tranquilizers, chemical restraint, rescue ropes and knots, rescue from horse
barn fires, mud rescue, helicopter rescue and water rescue, among other
situations. The training, which consists of 30 hours of classroom instruction
and hands-on training, qualifies each student to receive FSE 489 credit for
the class. Due to the hands-on nature of the training, each large-animal
emergency rescue seminar is limited to 30 participants. Be sure to call and
reserve your space today.

A separate session on HAZMAT Decontamination of Large Animals is scheduled
for the morning of April 25. This free session will cover the issues related
to rescuing large animals that have encountered chemical, biological or
radiological contamination.

For additional information or to register for the training, contact Mr.
Michael Shane LaCount at (859) 622-1009.

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