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corpus-paul - Unconvinced of Pseudonymity

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Subject: Corpus-Paul

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  • From: "Perry L. Stepp" <plstepp AT>
  • To: "Corpus-paul" <corpus-paul AT>
  • Subject: Unconvinced of Pseudonymity
  • Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1999 12:04:52 -0400

Not to be an iconoclast or anything, but I remain unconvinced by the
arguments--those I've read elsewhere and those offered here--articulated in
support of the pseudonymity of the Pastorals.

One of the major sticking points, is that I'm not convinced that
pseudonymity was an acceptable device IN JEWISH/CHRISTIAN PERSONAL LETTERS
OF RELIGIOUS CONTENT. This is a different subgenre than circular letters or
general letters (e.g., Ephesians?), where a different argument would need to
be made.

I don't doubt pseudonymity's acceptance in certain genre--the Platonic
letters, or "epistolary" testaments, for example, which would seem to
include 2 Peter. But personal letters?

Only a century later than Paul's writings, (Tertullian, *Baptism*) we read
of how the 2nd century church disciplined a leader who (inspired by pure
motives, apparently) wrote a letter in Paul's name. Not to be flip, but are
we to believe that 1st century Christians accepted the device with a wink
and a nod, and failed to let their descendants in on the joke?


Senior Pastor, DeSoto Christian Church, DeSoto TX
DCC's webpage:
Ph.D. Candidate in Religion, Baylor University
#1 Cowboy Fan

Does it not concern us that God's name is often
dishonored because of poor theologies of God?
--Clark Pinnock, *The Openness of God*

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